
Day 1 Pittsburgh massacre

synagogue n.犹太教堂
bris n.割礼
massacre n.屠杀 the Nanjing Massacre
Hebrebw 希伯来
alleged 被嫌疑的 alleged kiiler 嫌疑犯
once known as 曾经被称为
immigrant 移民
the Hebrebw Sheltering 希伯来庇护所
invaders 入侵者
nativism n.本土主义
it does’t take a deep understanding of A to B 对A略知一二就可以理解B了
convene v.集合
anti-Semitism 反犹太主义
congregation n.教堂会众–>宗教团体
pray 祈祷
xenophobe 害怕或是憎恨外国人的人 phobe 仇恨或害怕某件事情的人 xeno 希腊语:外来者
gun down 开枪射杀
stark 残酷的;真实的; ~ reality 残酷的显示
sentiments 某种情绪
inextricably intertwined 不可分开 - 缠绕 –>紧密的缠绕在一起
compelle 驱使
rant v.怒吼;抱怨;大声责骂; rant about 痛骂
the Civil War 内战

Day 2 台湾美食

al dente adj.有嚼劲的
springy 和 elastic 区别?
springy 有弹性的;压缩之后能快速恢复原来状态的物体,如沙发
elastic 有弹力的;压缩之后能快速恢复原来状态的材料,如橡皮筋

prized 珍贵的
fluorescent adj.荧光的 a fluorescent lamp
flicker v.闪烁;摇曳;
flicker on 光线若隐若现;
trickl in/into 流动;涌入
As dusk falls 随着夜幕降临
delicacy n.当地美食
culinary 烹饪或美食有关的 culinary world 烹饪界
pyramids(金字塔) of plimp(圆嘟嘟圆滚滚) fish balls 鱼丸
brim with sth 杯里;碗里
tapioca balls 珍珠(奶茶)
bath in 淋满
syrup 糖浆
take a bite of 尝~
texture 口感
calibrated adj.校准;精心调配的
slippery 滑溜溜的
chewy 有嚼劲的
globby 黏糊糊的
flattering 奉承的;讨人喜欢的
pronounce 发音;说出
umami 鲜味
A is to B what C is to D A对于B就像C对于D
savory 美味; 不甜的
starch 淀粉
stand n.摊位

“It’s difficult to explain what Q means exactly,” said liu Tang,a manager at ChunShuiTang, a popular teahouse chain that claims to have inventend tapioca milk tea in Taiwan. “Basically it means springy, soft, elastic.”

Day 3 巴西大选

far-right 极右翼
populist 民粹主义
drift v.风中或空中飘着 –》任由某件事进入某种状态 Clouds drifted across the sky.
strident 强硬的 a strident newspaper article
radical adj.重大的;根本的
tap into 开发(资源),利用 tap resource These magazines have tapped into a target market of consumers.
status quo 现状
whiplash v.强力摇晃
turmoil n.混乱 emotional/mental turmoil
alternative n.可供选择的事物
call v.预测(选举或投票)结果 The race remains too close to call.
helm n.掌权;领导 Tim Cook took the helm at Apple in 2011.
reel from 因为…而迷惑,震惊 I was still reeling from the shock.
tarnish v.损害(名誉)His bad behaviour has tarnished the good name of the school.
ideological adj.意识形态的
spectrum n.范围,幅度
record-high adj.历史新高的
homicide n.谋杀案
establishment n.当权派,权势集团
tenet n.信条
cry foul 为…申冤 Many Asian American students cried foul at the racial quotas.
front-runner n.领先者
rule v.判定;裁决
ineligible adj.没有资格的
money laundering 洗钱
democracy n.民主制度
a deep well of resentment 深厚抱怨
turmoil 动乱;骚动;混乱;焦虑
corruption 贪污

Day 4 默克尔辞职

Merkel 默克尔
legacy 遗产(3,4代人)或遗留下的后果
sit it out 静观其变;沉默到底
entertain v.考虑 entertain an idea
chancellor n.总理
methodical 有条不紊的
pragmatic 务实的
noncommittal (态度、观点)不明朗的
coalition 联盟
dire 极其糟糕的
acrimonious 激烈的
concede 勉强承认;认输
level-headed 头脑冷静
posture v.故作姿态
spin n.偏袒性报道
hard line 强硬路线
austerity n.(经济紧缩)
passionate 充满激情的

Day 5 手机管家

nanny 保姆
addictive adj,使人上瘾的,令人着迷的
glittering adj.闪闪发光的
rectangle n.矩形
allure n.诱惑力
consensus n.一致的意见,共识
unauthorized adj.未经许可的
exposure n.暴露 exposure to a disease
vigilante n.治安人员;自告奋勇的人
stimulating 趣味盎然的;
be glued(胶水) to 专注于
rip out 扯掉;拔掉
cord 电源线
enter 出场
aspiration 愿望
hire 雇佣
return to the time before screens 回到没有屏幕的年代
message boards 论坛
put sb in a strange position 置某人于尴尬的境地

it’s best if sth 最好是

Day 6 简历

captivate 简历
applicant 吸引
glittering 闪闪发光的
complete with 包括;拥有
adversity 逆境
quotient 程度;指数
seasoned 经验丰富的
job seeker 求职者
spot 地方;位置
leak 泄露
provoke 激发;引起
indignation 愤怒
test-crazed 为考试疯狂得人
striver 奋斗者
land 获得;取得 to lan the first prize
flawed 有缺点的
test-domnated adj.以考试为主的
deputy adj.副手的
evenly adv.公平的,均等的

Day 7 漫威老爷子去世

mythic 著名的;神话般的;虚拟的
flock to 成群结队地走向 thousands of tourists flocked to the Paris
obscurity n.默默无闻 slide into obsecurity
usher in 开创
radioactive 放射性的
malformed 畸形的
transmulated 变异的
ask sb out 请…外出约会(男女之间)
flaw 缺点;瑕疵 flawless –> perfect
pithy 简短有力的
catchphrase 名言;时兴的话
clobber 胖揍一顿
litter v.乱糟糟的堆放 n.垃圾
alongside 与…一起
bring off 完成;做完
shoot for力争达到

Day 8 公民生子

issue 发布
executive order
a handful of exceptions 少数的例外
unconstitutional 违法宪法
amendment 修正
wil undoubtedly be unconstitutional 无疑是违反宪法的
deeply rooted 根深蒂固的
ragardless of 不论
race 种族
religion 宗教信仰
nantional origin 民族血统
loyal 忠诚的
ratify 签署;批准
purge 肃清 purge sb sth
legacy 某事的后遗症
eloquent 有说服力的
powerful force 有力的
assimilation 同化
repudiation 断绝关系
racism 种族主义
prospective 可能颁发的
numerous exaggerations 夸张说法
precedent 先例
unilaterally 单方面地
abrogate 废弃;撤销;
provision 条款

Day 9 抖音(上)

go viral 病毒式传播
rack up 累计
clip(s) 片段
set to music 带有背景音乐
lip-synching 对口型
do a trick 表演小把戏
in a row 接连
brain freeze 头痛
cringe 尴尬–>
a thread of 一系列的
compilation 编辑;编写
vest 背心
emphatically 着重强调 dance emphatically 劲舞
merge with 合并
prevailing notion 主流观念;流行的说法
memer 在网上制作各种表情包或梗的人
bizarre 奇特;怪诞
mock 被嘲笑

Day 10 抖音(下)

mainstream 主流的
saturate 使充满 our life is saturated with advertising
niche community 拥有共同兴趣爱好的小团体
contortionist 柔术表演者
furry 兽迷
guru n.专家
bully 霸凌者
abnormal 异常的
fandom 狂热喜爱;粉丝群
norm 规范;准则
harass v.骚扰;打扰
get the final laugh 笑到最后
populate v.构成…的人口 Our programme is populated mainly by students.

Day 11 超级食物

poly 策略
unprocessed 未加工的
cranberry 蔓越莓
avocado 牛油果
walnut 核桃
claim 声明
petition 申请;请愿
ounce 盅司(28.35克)
saturated 饱和脂肪
cholesterol 胆固醇
coronary 冠状动脉的或静脉的
cumbersome 冗长的;复杂的

Day 12 人工智能

automate v.自动化 use computers to automate the process
penalise v.置于不利地位的;The law appears to penalise the poorest members of society.
resume n.简历
mark down 降低…的分数 she was marked down because of poor grammar
malevolently adv.恶意地
recruit n.新成员,新人
likelihood n.可能性 the likelihood of infection
reoffend v.再次犯罪
recidivist n.惯犯,累犯
paramount adj.最高的,至上的
deprecate v.反对;忽视 He always deprecates my achievements.

Day 13 樊少皇

hilarious 滑稽的;有趣的 a hilarious joke
dimension n.方面;维度
welder n.焊工
contraption n.新奇的玩意
toolshed n.工具房
spawn v.产生;促成
tinkerer n.喜欢鼓捣小器具、小发明的人
outsize adj.超大号的;加大码的
quirkiness n.离奇;古怪
inadvertently adv.无意的;不经意的
airbrush v.用(喷枪、气笔)修饰、美化
ham it up 有意夸张表情;表演过火
busker n.街头艺人
plaque n.牌匾;饰板
push the boundaries 突破界限

Day 14 神奇动物

apocalypse /əˈpɑːkəlɪps/ n. 世界末日 e.g. a stock market apocalypse

an awful lot 相当多

ascendant /əˈsendənt/ adj. (权利,影响)越来越大的

seep /siːp/ v.(液体)渗出,渗漏

realm /relm/ n. 领域,范围 e.g. the realm of linguistics

chockablock /ˌtʃɑːk ə ˈblɑːk/ adj. 挤得满满的 e.g. It was chock-a-block in town today.

titular /ˈtɪtʃələr/

adj. 名义上的;(人, 物)被用作标题(或剧名、片名、书名)的 e.g.The queen is the titular head of state. The titular character of a book or movie is the one mentioned in the title.

eye-catching /ˈaɪ kætʃɪŋ/ adj. 惹人注意的

flashback /ˈflæʃbæk/ n. 电影的闪回,倒叙

franchise /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ n. (制作或推广系列产品, 尤其是系列影片或电视节目所用的)特许经营品牌

nurse /nɜːrs/ v. 照料

scurry /ˈskɜːri/ v. 小步快跑 e.g. he mice were scurrying about in the walls.

doing /ˈduːɪŋ/ n. 活动;所做的事 e.g. the latest doings of stars

totalitarianism /toʊˌtæləˈteriənɪzəm/ n. 极权主义(totalitarian adj.) e.g. a totalitarian regime (adj.)

trip sb. up 将…绊倒 e.g. Don’t trip up on the stairs. Examiners sometimes try to trip you upon purpose.

whirl /wɜːrl/ v.(使)回旋;发晕,(思维)变混乱 e.g. Leaves whirled in the wind. So many thoughts whirled around in her mind.

scatter /ˈskætər/ v. 散开 e.g At the first gunshot, the crowd scattered.

upstage /ˌʌpˈsteɪdʒ/ v. 抢…的镜头;使暗淡失色 e.g. Lala was upstaged by Daniel in the party.

loosen/loose grip 放松控制

tantalizingly /ˈtæntəlaɪzɪŋli/ adv. 撩人地;使可望不可及地(tantalize v.)e.g.She still tantalized him. (v.) The question has long tantalized those thinkers. (v.)

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

Day 31

Day 32

Day 33

文章作者: Ginove
文章链接: https://ginove.github.io/2018/11/08/流利阅读打卡/
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 Ginove